Movie Update: Bella

I just saw Bella. It wasn't that bad. I thought I was in for an all out anti-abortion movie from what I had heard. I'd say there are some serious plot issues, but overall I was amazed at how graceful the film was. Rather than coming at the issue defensively, or with a fight in mind the film was about more than the simple choice to have a child or not. I haven't seen any of the rescent movies that are out, which apparently seem to lean toward the pro-life camp (Juno, Knocked Up), but this one certainly handled it in a way that at least allowed for discussion.


  1. Neither Juno nor Knocked Up ever address child birth as simply the right thing to do. Instead, they sometimes mock pro life or abstinent people as being out of touch or dowdy. While they both purport to send the right message of responsibility, which they actually do on certain levels, ultimately they try to appease both camps on the issue; they try to appeal to the widest audience: the lowest common denominator.

  2. Interesting. I assume you mean by lowest common denominator a viewpoint that seeks only to satisfy the largest number of people? Not having seen these films I haven't much room to contribute here, but it seems that what you say ignores the fact that they are at least handling the issue in a way that opens it up to debate.
